Sunday, June 26, 2011

Post Nine. Bit of a rubbish one, this.

Hello there, dear reader person! And welcome to Post 9, where things get a little bit miserable. I’ve kept this post as brief and concise as possible, in an effort to save you from crying in a fit of depression. And, also, because I’m going on holiday in a couple of days and have to sort everything stuff for it.

As you probably know, I had been dating a lovely girl called Emily for a month or two, and things were going really well. But then they weren’t. And that was rubbish. This post is the sad part of the story, so I won’t hate you if you decide not to read any further; it’s okay, I enjoyed the good bits too. I promise I won’t hold it against you if you want to believe that the story continued the way it was going, in Fantasy Land, where Emily and I probably lived happily ever after in a house made of cake with forty babies and lots of money and not a concern in the world.

I thank you for your time, it did not go unappreciated. So long!

For those of you who want to continue onwards, to the Un-Fantasy Land (also known as ‘Real Life’), then follow me…

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Post Eight: Unknown Waters

Welcome dear reader, and a very happy Fathers Day if you happen to be father. And happy Sunday Afternoon to the rest of you.

So, we last parted ways after another successful date with Emily, whom I had really started to like. Date three was a bit more casual, a trip to the cinema (we saw The Men Who Stare At Goats, with George Clooney, Kevin Spacey and Ewan McGregor).

The film was good, and Emily and I were enjoying each other’s company, and definitely very interested in each other. If you remember back to the first post, I’d mentioned that part of the problem of me not being successful with ladyfolk was simply because I didn’t like any of the girls I saw regularly in a romantic way. With Emily, I had broken that cycle; I was unkown territory and loving every minute of it.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Seventh Post of a Seventh Post*

I won’t lie to you: that first date was amazing. I was smiling the whole way home and wondering why I hadn’t considered online dating ages ago.

A couple of days later, I met up with Mike and Tim and told them all about it… kind of.

I say ‘kind of’ because I’m the sort of guy that plays things down a bit; I told them the date was good when really it was great. I don’t know exactly why I do this – maybe I just don’t want to get carried away? Maybe it’s some kind of defence mechanism? Whatever the case, it’s just the way it is.

So I told them that we had a lot in common, that there was an instant spark. Naturally, they were happy.

Of course, this made me a bit nervous; it had, remember, been ages since I went on a date, let alone one that was better than I had hoped.

This meant there was a bench mark, and I fully intended on surpassing it.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Post Six: Emily

So, what a juncture to leave this blog for a while, eh? I was feeling a bit under the weather, and I neglected to update this because of all the soup, water and penicillin I was feasting on.

Many apologies, but I’m back now, loyal reader, so let us hence forth!