Monday, February 18, 2013

Post Fourteen - The One With A Rubbish Subtitle Because I Am Rubbish At Thinking Subtitles Up

In post 13, I showed you Tim’s photographs of Victor, the Plastic Snowman, and I told you how we were going to e-mail a different picture to our friend Mike every week, from an anonymous e-mail address, because we are hilarious bastards.

So, every Monday at 3pm, we sent a photo of Victor the Plastic Snowman straight into Mike’s Inbox from our custom-built email address (riddlemethis3003@i’

As you will no doubt have already  gathered, this was brilliant.

I pictured him sitting there every Monday afternoon, probably eating Coco Pops, staring at his laptop, and wondering why he was getting pictures sent to him of a snowman visiting Glasgow’s tourist attractions. How long would it be before it chipped away at his sanity and he started to pin each week’s photo to a wall, staring at it for hours on end, trying to work out the Case of the Plastic Snowman?