In post
13, I showed you Tim’s photographs of Victor, the Plastic Snowman, and I told
you how we were going to e-mail a different picture to our friend Mike every
week, from an anonymous e-mail address, because we are hilarious bastards.
every Monday at 3pm, we sent a photo of Victor the Plastic Snowman straight
into Mike’s Inbox from our custom-built email address (riddlemethis3003@i’
As you
will no doubt have already gathered, this was brilliant.
pictured him sitting there every Monday afternoon, probably eating Coco Pops,
staring at his laptop, and wondering why he was getting pictures sent to him of
a snowman visiting Glasgow’s tourist attractions. How long would it be before it
chipped away at his sanity and he started to pin each week’s photo to a wall, staring
at it for hours on end, trying to work out the Case of the Plastic Snowman?